234 West 44th Street, Manhattan, NY, United States
We have an interesting speaker lined up to recount his latest motoring adventure. Chowderhead Jim Shelly has been trying to finish in the Hemmings Great Race for a number of years now. He’s usually tried in a prewar beastie, a 1939 Buick. His breakdowns along the way have become the stuff of legend - at...
234 West 44th Street, Manhattan, NY, United States
We have a great program planned. Knowing that every chowderhead is likely to have a collection of automobilia - magazines, photos, paintings, models, oil cans, and a half a million other possibilities, we have as our speaker one of the world's greatest authorities on Automobilia. Our speaker is a long time chowderhead, Marshall Buck. Marshall...
234 West 44th Street, Manhattan, NY, United States
Please join us at the usual spot, at the usual time, for our 67th Annual Holiday party. The lunch will be the traditional buffet and we have gotten Sardi's to keep the price to within one dollar of last year's cost. We aren't certain that everyone is getting our emails yet, so please reach out...